Cell Phone Ticket Lawyer Serving All of New York State

Cell Phone Ticket Lawyer Serving All of New York StateIf you like to use a mobile telephone while driving, you aren’t alone. Many people find it convenient to do these two things at once. However, in many states, including New York, driving while holding and using your mobile telephone is a serious offense that will cost you money and points.

New York is now charging drivers for operating a mobile telephone while driving. They are concerned that drivers who are distracted will cause accidents. If you get ticketed for driving while using your handheld phone, don’t plead guilty. Call an experienced NY handheld cell phone ticket lawyer.

I’m Jonathan D. Katz, Esq., and traffic law is my specialty. I know that if you are found guilty of driving while holding a phone, you will get five points on your license and be forced to pay increased insurance premiums. You may even face losing your license. With legal representation, however, it may be possible to reduce the charge to a non-moving violation or get it dismissed. We can represent you in seeking to keep your driving record as clean as possible so that you can retain your license.

In most cases, you do not have to appear in court. As your lawyer, we can stand in your place in court and in negotiations, saving you time and money.

The New NY Laws on Mobile Telephones

New York law makes it a motor vehicle violation to drive while using a handheld phone, sending or receiving text messages, sending e-mails, playing handheld electronic games, or taking a photo with a handheld electronic device.

The law applies to drivers with a Commercial Driver’s License as well as typical drivers. It also applies to drivers with a learner’s permit. For these drivers, the penalties may be even more severe such as suspension or revocation of your license.

Exceptions and defenses

There are many exceptions to the law. You can make emergency calls such as to a hospital or law enforcement agencies. In some, but not all, cases you may be allowed to make a call if you’re properly stopped.

Since there are possible defenses to driving while using a handheld device law, you need to talk with a qualified traffic attorney who knows the laws and has experience defending these charges.

Consult with an Attorney Before You Do Anything

Don’t pay the ticket before you’ve spoken with a lawyer. Paying the fine is an admission of guilt, and you will collect points on your driver’s license. If you do not respond to the ticket, you can still be found guilty. Once again, points will be assessed, and your license will be automatically suspended, pending a hearing.

Most people can’t conduct their business or meet their court date obligations without a driver’s license. I’ve been practicing law and defending traffic citations in the state of New York for over 36 years. I can help you keep your license so you can get to and from work. Whether you’re a local New York driver, an out-of-state driver, or even a Canadian driver, I can help you with your traffic tickets.

For more information or assistance, contact the Law Office of Jonathan D. Katz, Esq. today.

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